Canada Post-Graduation Work Permit Program Expansion

By Jace February 22, 2024
Alarm 2 Min Read

The Canadian government has implemented changes to the Post-Graduation Work Permit Program (PGWP) for all international students. Students with a master’s degree of less than two years can also apply for the three-year post-graduation work permit upon meeting the other eligibility criteria for the programme.
Nevertheless, students pursuing programmes under the curriculum licensing agreement will not be entitled to the PGWP from 1 September 2024. Furthermore, special considerations regarding distance education and extensions of the post-graduation work permit have been made until 31 August 2024.

A post-graduation work permit refers to an open work permit issued to an international student upon completing their studies in Canada. An open work permit or PGWP allows the holder to work for any employer anywhere in Canada for as many hours as they desire.

Can all international students get a PGWP?

A PGWP can be available if you have graduated from a designated learning institution (DLI) and wish to remain in Canada temporarily and gain employment. A DLI is a school defined by a provincial or territorial government in Canada as a place of study for international students.
It is also important to understand that merely graduating from a DLI does not give you an automatic right to a PGWP. The DLI list will show which schools offer programmes they consider eligible.

Source: ET

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