Raffles University Announces Degree Courses Assessed by AI

By Vaidant July 2, 2024
Alarm 2 Min Read

Raffles University, located in Malaysia, plans to offer a degree course that will be both taught and assessed with the help of artificial intelligence. This degree programme was launched following the creation of a platform called MyAi Teaching Assistant by Professor Sasa Arsovski, Dean of the Faculty of AI and Robotics.

Recognising the rapid advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in recent years, the university has decided to utilise the MyAi Teaching Assistant to introduce the first AI-taught programme in the world.

The university stated that the “AI Lecturer is capable of independent teaching,” and students will interact with AI instructor clones, allowing them to log in and experience an engaging learning process. The AI clone fosters interaction and enables students to pause the lesson momentarily to clarify concepts.

To ensure the success of this initiative, experts will transform the lecturers’ experience and expertise into PowerPoint presentations, from which lessons will be created and delivered through AI.

Additionally, AI will be employed to tailor learning programmes to individual learners, based on their comprehension, and to create customised homework assignments according to the conversation records between the AI clone and the learners. AI will also assist in grading homework electronically, freeing up educators’ time to interact directly with students.

Since Professor Arsovski had already used this AI platform to cover his classes during his absence, the university plans to extend this facility to most degree disciplines. However, privately-owned universities are confident that this will not lead to a reduction in the employment of professors. “We are hiring more digital support staff, but I don’t think any university will reduce or cut physical or academic staff. In the future, students who can afford a physical learning experience will still attend universities. The AI-delivered degree opens up opportunities for those who cannot currently afford a university education,” stated Professor Pritchard.

The programme is expected to commence in October; however, the university plans to submit its application to the Malaysian Qualifications Agency next month. The degree will be offered through ODL (Open Distance Learning), and while the programme fee has yet to be finalised, it is expected to be around $2,000.


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