Germany Announces ‘Opportunity Card’ to Attract International Students

By Aahana June 30, 2024
Alarm 2 Min Read

This programme enables applicants to gain entry into Germany and look for any form of employment without having to secure an offer of employment or be an immigrant sponsored by a family member. On June 1, 2024, the German government launched the Opportunity Card, locally referred to as ‘Chancenkarte,’ for skilled immigrants from non-EU countries.
It means they can apply for a visa and get a job in Germany in this category without any permanent job offer or family-based invitation, which is a significant departure from Germany’s immigration policy and helps improve international student employment.

Advantages of the Opportunity Card

  • Easy Entry Process: A more efficient way toward legal immigration to Germany.
  • One-Year Residence Permit: This is the first permit with a provision made for renewal.
  • Earning Potential: Opportunity to receive from 100 to 1000 euros monthly.
  • Flexible Work Hours: Permits up to 20 hours of work per week and is advantageous for international student employment.
  • Job Search Benefit: Allows time to find an excellent part-time or often full-time position.

Eligibility Criteria to qualify for the Opportunity Card

  • Educational Qualifications: Proper university degree or at least two years of vocational recognized in their home country.
  • Professional Work Experience: The points system also allows a candidate to amass five years of professional experience as extra points.
  • Age: Candidates below 35 get two points, while those between 36 and 40 get one point.
  • Language Proficiency: Speaking either German A2 or English C1 also yields extra points. Depending on the level of proficiency in German, the B1-B2 /C2 level offers differing bonus points of 1-3.
  • Financial Stability: This is an opportunity to show financial readiness, which may include two stable sources of funds or a part-time employment contract not exceeding 20 hours per week that helps in the entry of international students into employment.

Source: HT

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