New Funding Initiative from Imperial College London for India Connect Fund

By Jace September 4, 2024
Alarm 2 Min Read

Imperial College London has announced increased funding for collaborative scientific research programmes with leading Indian universities and research institutions through its India Connect Fund, launched last year.

The fund focuses on three key themes: Technology for Innovation, Climate and Sustainability, and Health. It aims to facilitate Imperial College London’s projects with Indian partners in areas such as artificial intelligence, quantum science, and clean energy.

Grants of up to GBP 5,000 will be awarded for each successful project. Each project will be supervised by one main researcher from the partner institution in India and one researcher from Imperial. According to Professor Ian Walmsley, Provost of Imperial College London, the India Connect Fund aims to connect the brightest minds from India and Imperial in fields such as AI, quantum science, and clean energy.

“We already have a long history of scientific cooperation with India, and this funding will further enhance our collaboration,” he noted. He also highlighted that India is rapidly advancing its research capabilities and Indian researchers will play a crucial role in addressing major global challenges.

The proposed collaborations under the India Connect Fund will cover sectors including artificial intelligence, quantum technology and semiconductors, clean and green energy, green hydrogen, antimicrobial resistance, climate change and extreme weather, and digital health.

The seed funding will support feasibility studies, pilot projects, proof-of-concept development, and the organisation of meetings or events such as workshops and hackathons. It will also facilitate researcher exchanges, allowing travel to work at Imperial or the partner institution in India.

This latest round of funding, which will close on Sunday, targets specific applications. Dr. Angela Kedgley from the Department of Bioengineering at Imperial and Dr. Darshan S. Shah from IIT Bombay are among the first beneficiaries of the India Connect Fund. They are developing a project aimed at advancing technology for remote monitoring of upper limbs for diagnostic, physiotherapy, and rehabilitation purposes.

Source: NDTV

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